Chromatography Data System
  Gas Chromatography
  HPLC Column Heater
  HPLC Filter Holder
  Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
  Mooney Viscometer
  Muffle Furnace (High Temp)
  On-line Solvent Degassing
  Peltier Temp Control System
  Solvent Recycler
  Spectro Photometer:
  - Atomic Absorption
  - Double Ch. Atomic Fluorescence
  - Flame Atomic Absorption
  - Flourimeter
  - IR Spectrometer
  - Optical Emission
  - UV-Visible Double Beam
  - UV-Visible Single Beam
  Syringe Filter
  Ultrasonic Generator and Reactor
  Ultrasonic Processor (Sonicator)
  Vacuum Manifold
SP 3400   SP 3420A
Gas Chromatography

SP-3400 Gas Chromatograph, made according to international standards, its technical feature and index are in the world high level. The key components are imported from world famous suppliers. It is widely used for petrol-chemistry, environmental protection, epidemic prevention, pharmacology, scientific research, etc.

SP3400 Specifications
Column Oven
Operating temperature ambient to 420°C
Cooling time  250°C to 50°C in 5 min
Temperature programming rate 0.1~50°C /min
Programmable oven with 4-ramp temperature control
Dual opening door at the back of column oven
Injector System
Operating temperature  ambient to 420°C
Thermal conductivity detector (TCD)
Maximum Temperature  420°C
Sensitivity  ≥ 12000mv*mL/mg (for butane)
Linear range  10⁵
Current range  50 to 400mA
Filament Protection
If He or H₂ carrier gas flow in the detector cell is cut off for 4 minutes, filament power will be shut off automatically
Flame Ionization detector (FID)
Maximum Temperature:  420°C
Minimum detectivity  ≤1.3 x 10-¹² g/s (n-C16)
Linear range 10⁷
Flameout hint:  Monitoring the status of GC continuously after being turned on.
Electron capture detector - ECD
Maximum Temperature  420°C
Minimum detectivity  ≤0.1 pg/mL (y-666)
Linear range  10⁴
Emission source  11mC63Ni
Flame Photometric detector-FPD
Maximum Temperature  420°C
Minimum detectivity  [P] ≤1 x 10-¹² g/s (tributyl phosphate)
 [S] ≤1 x 10-¹° g/s (p-methyl sulphur phosphorous)
Linear range  [P]:10⁵ [S]:10³
Two air-hydrogen flames  for large volume injection or trace sample injection analysis;
Single air-hydrogen flame  sulphur sensitivity can be increased
Direct output  for phosphorus or sulphur analysis
Square root output  for sulphur analysis
Exposed light protection
When exposed light current is more than 12µA, high voltage will be cut off automatically
Nitrogen-phosphorus detector-TSD
Maximum Temperature  420°C
Minimum detectivity  [N] ≤1 x 10-¹³ g/s (azobenzene)
 [S] ≤5 x 10-¹⁴ g/s (p-methyl sulphur phosphorous)
Linear range  [N]:10⁵ [P]:10⁴
SP3420A Specifications
Column Oven
Operating temperature ambient to 400°C
Cooling time 250°C to 50°C in 5 min
Temperature programming rate 0.1~50°C /min
Programmable oven with 4-ramp temperature control
Dual opening door at the back of column oven
Injector System
Operating temperature ambient to 400°C
Thermal conductivity detector (TCD)
Maximum Temperature 400°C
Sensitivity ≥ 10000mv*mL/mg (for butane)
Linear range 10⁵
Current range 50 to 400mA
Filament Protection
If He or H₂ carrier gas flow in the detector cell is cut off for 4 minutes, filament power will be shut off automatically
Flame Ionization detector (FID)
Maximum Temperature 400°C
Minimum detectivity ≤ 5 x 10-¹² g/s (n-C16)
Linear range 10⁷
Flameout hint: monitoring the status of GC continuously after being turned on.
Electron capture detector - ECD
Maximum Temperature 400°C
Minimum detectivity ≤0.1 pg/mL (y-666)
Linear range 10⁴
Emission source 11mC63Ni
Flame Photometric detector-FPD
Maximum Temperature 400°C
Minimum detectivity: [P] ≤2 x 10-¹² g/s (tributyl phosphate)
[S] ≤2 x 10-¹° g/s (p-methyl sulphur phosphorous)
Linear range [P]:10⁵ [S]:10³
Two air-hydrogen flames For large volume injection or trace sample injection analysis
Single air-hydrogen flame: sulphur sensitivity can be increased;
Direct output for phosphorus or sulphur analysis
Square root output for sulphur analysis
Exposed light protection
When exposed light current is more than 12µA, high voltage will be cut off automatically
Nitrogen-phosphorus detector-TSD
Maximum Temperature 400°C
Minimum detectivity [N] ≤2 x 10-¹³ g/s (azobenzene)
[S] ≤1 x 10-¹³ g/s (p-methyl sulphur phosphorous)
Linear range [N]:10⁵ [P]:10⁴
* Products not listed can be ordered as per request.